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History: our journey to this point


Since 2005 I have been a 'man on a mission', challenging the current modus operandi by developing co-designed solutions to some of our most compelling issues. I am blessed to maintain an awareness of my naivety and so continue to do things some consider unrealistic.  I am driven foremost to ensure my 5 children and grandchildren have a life equally as good as my own.


These are some of my past ventures:


  1. 2005 - Design the Governmercial Model (data reciprocity platform designed to offer greater degree's of insight and understanding between public and private sectors).

    • Get invited to join an 'All of Government Design Project' The Pure Business Project.

  2. 2005 - Team up with Canadian Based Software Architect to develop visual code recognition for Mobile Devices.

    • Develop MIVIS - 1st 2D barcode to location-based audio guide for tourism and education

    • Develop M8 Brand and product range as 1st examples of print to digital media solutions

  3. 2005 - Develop a new visual code format and solutions with Boston Based Company

  4. 2010 - Design and Development of Marlborough Snugs (heart pine eco-cabins)

  5. 2011 - Commission to write the 'Future Strategy' for New Zealand's largest Rural Services Cooperative.  

  6. 2011 - Design of Rocket Stoves for the Pacific Islands

  7. 2013 - Formation of the Starfish design team to develop concepts for the worlds most advanced green urban village - Te Hinaki

  8. 2013 (ongoing) creation of 'The Children of the Starfish' book series.

  9. 2015 - Starfish Group Bio-Oils established 

  10. 2016 - Initiation of Bio-region initiative

  11. 2016 - Initiation of 'Talking Forest' project    


Presentations given:


  • ·         Cross Cultural Communication (lost in translation) AUT Tourism Faculty – Designer of MIVIS (mobile interactive visitor information service) How visual recognition systems enrich the visitor experience.

  • ·         Whole Systems Thinking - Massey University/Landcare Research. Presenting principles of ‘whole systems thinking’ and how this offers opportunities for data reciprocity.  

  • ·         Governmercial Data Commons – International Digital Earth Summit 2006. Employment of common technologies to address the needs of complex systems. How this bridges the divide between public and private sectors.

  • ·         Innovations in the Mobile Space – National Digital Forum TePapa 2006. Invited to share research findings from a pilot of the MIVIS System and its impact on the visitor experience at Pukaka Mount Bruce. Expand on the future role of technologies in the tourism sector.

  • ·         Adding value to the supply chain (the next 20 years) Primary Industry Summit (PI2020) 2007 Christchurch. The employment of affordable technologies to build greater transparency and traceability through the supply chain. Based oin this talk I was contracted to review NZ largest rural services company and develop a future stragey. 

  • ·         The role of ‘Visual Recognition’ in geospatial data management– ESR Senior Management Team 2008.  ESR were keen to improve information sharing for public health research.

  • ·         Ulearn 2009 – Technology innovation and social media for informal education. Invited to explain the potential role of social media technologies such as Twittter, Facebook, Skype for informal learning. This included a brief outline of my current project and the involvement of the education sector.  

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